Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy 10 month old Sean sean

Sean sean has grown so big now and losing his baby fats real soon...

Milestones up till now:

1) wave bye bye.
2) play peekaboo.
3) responds to gai gai, milk milk, bao bao, sayang, hi 5, mum mum, bye bye.
4) concentrates on flash cards.
5) able to pick up the 'very hungry caterpillar' book when asked to.
6) able to stand unaided for 3 seconds.
7) loves to shake bum bum when listens to songs.
8) loves to throw things, esp daddy's spectacles and handphones.
9) shouts at snoopy & chloe.
10) drinks from straw.
11) able to self feed with a spoon with guidance.
12) able to eat rice with soup.

13) able to walk around by holding on to sides of table/bed.

14) crawls around picking up dirt from the floor.